You are able to leave your gift with or without restrictions which you can decide in consultation with your solicitor. We would encourage you to leave your gift without restrictions so we can put it where it is most needed at that time.
As Campbeltown Picture House is a charity your legacy will be exempt from inheritance tax, so the entirety of your gift will come directly to the cinema.
Operated by Campbeltown Community Business Ltd
Our registered charity number is SC009499.
Our sincere thanks for considering Campbeltown Picture House in your Will.
E-mail with what you would like to appear on the board (40 characters or fewer) then click on the Pay Now button below.
Alternatively you can pay by cheque or bank transfer. Contact for details of how to pay by bank transfer.
Did you know that you can support Campbeltown Picture House by shopping online?
Every time you shop online via easyfundraising at one of the 3,300 retailers including John Lewis, Aviva, Sainsbury’s and, a donation will be made to Campbeltown Picture House, and it won’t cost you a penny extra.
It’s really simple to get started;
Pick Campbeltown Picture House as the cause you wish to support.
Get shopping – your donations will be collected by easyfundraising and automatically sent to Campbeltown Picture House. It couldn’t be easier!
There are no catches or hidden charges and we will be really grateful for your donations.
If you are interested in becoming involved as a volunteer in the governance of Campbeltown Community Business Ltd, please read on...
To do this you will need to become a Company Member. This is equivalent to becoming a shareholder of the Business, and Company Members are entitled to attend and vote at Annual General Meetings. However, it brings with it no privileges or financial reward - only a commitment of your own time and resources where necessary!
Whilst it does not cost anything to become a Company Member, the position does carry with it some responsibilities. As further explanation, the following are some relevant extracts from the Memorandum of Association of the Company as adopted on 5th September 2014:
1. MEMBERS have the right to attend the annual general meeting (and any extraordinary general meeting) and have important powers. In particular , the members elect people to serve as Directors and take decisions in relation to changes to the Memorandum of Association itself.
2. In the event that the Company is wound up, Members undertake to contribute such amount as may be required (not exceeding £1) to the Company's assets.
3. Any person who wishes to become a member must sign and lodge with the Company, a written application for membership.
4. The Directors shall consider each application for membership at the first Director's meeting after receipt of the application.
5. The Directors may at their discretion refuse to admit any person to membership.
6. No membership subscription shall be payable.
7. Employees of the Company shall not be eligible for membership. A person who becomes an employee of the company after admission shall automatically cease to be a member.
8. Any person who wishes to withdraw from membership shall sign and lodge with the Company a written notice to that effect.
9. A person shall not be eligible for election/appointment as a Director unless he/she is a Company Member.
Anyone wishing to apply to be a Company Member should contact
Alternatively please write to The Chair, Campbeltown Community Business Ltd., The Picture House, 26 Hall Street, Campbeltown, PA28 6BU.
Campbeltown Community Business Ltd is a Scottish Charity (SCO09499) and is a company limited by guarantee (SCI06763).